Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gulity pleasures - The Christmas edition

Ok, so now we've established that Christmas is a time when we let ourselves go a bit. Here then, are some of my guilty Christmas musical pleasures.

Firstly, Wham - "Last Christmas", why?...I'm not sure really, but it brings back memories of my late teens or early twenties, not sure on the date this was released, should research it really shouldnt I?? (waits...) Ok this came out in 1984,* I'd be 19! Just left school, In University trying desperately to "find myself"..not sure this would have helped. Anyway, this would have been a very drunken Christmas, and also the Christmas I discovered Bruce Springsteen...what a contrast then!

Anyway, so here's the video:

Secondly, and this one, if possible is even more painful...Chris de Burgh "A Spacemen Came Travelling"..which research tells me came out in '88. This one...well no excuses really, I just like it. There is no proper video on YouTube (sigh of relief) but there is this neat little animation made by someone with far too much time on their hands, but to whom I must be grateful for allowing this film to be posted:

...and just to get the credibility back somewhat, here's good old Bill Bailey taking the piss!

* According to a very reliable source (see comments) it was actually first released in '75

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good idead for a blog! I have to say that Chris de Burgh is one of my guilty pleasures too, at least with the early part of his career. On that note, 'A Spaceman Came Travelling' actually came out in 1975 although there was a remixed version released in '88. Nice to see this animation...